Slut shaming on social networks

Since the January 21st Woman’s March, I’ve seen a lot of slut shaming on social networks.

Memes with scantily clad celebrities who might hold views on non sexual issues like the scientific consensus on climate change or the US accepting of political refugees. They may also state opinions on the right to comprehensive sex education, birth control, and legal abortion. Such women in the limelight were often also insisting on defending sexual consent after the ‘grab em by the pussy’ scandal with Donald Trump. Such women get shamed for their stage costumes and sexuality, the inference is an irrelevant, uninformed and unfounded attack on their character to dismiss their views.

The celebrity meme below was one example of what these women’s criticism of Trump’s policies got reduced too. What could call for negating these women’s criticism because of the clothes they wear on stage?

How a woman dresses and who and how she fucks (or dosen’t) are not an argument against any policy statement she might make.

The falacy of slut shaming social networks


Slut shaming social networksDear conservatives, if a sexy dressed woman says ‘Don’t poke a stick into a hornet nest,’ should you oppose her proposition? If you do, it sucks to be you.


By Todd Vickers

Many conservatives do not understand and, poetically speaking, they have their sticks in hand and seem to be running toward the hornet nest.

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