Breaking Free: Facing Up To Digital Manipulation

Breaking free of technology

Have you ever found yourself pondering why our attention spans are dwindling in this digital age? After reading Johann Hari’s ‘Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention,’ I wanted to bring in some heavy voices that illuminate Hari’s point about B.F. Skinner’s legacy in today’s digital mass manipulation, shaping our lives both online and offline. I aim to show how philosophers, anthropologists, and sci-fi writers as thinkers have long warned us about this. Here, I explore their ideas with my own reflections on the subject…. Read More

Art, Orgasm and Quieting the Mind: Conscious Habit Destruction

Consider the impact of art, I believe if an artwork interrupts your habitual thinking, it’s a valuable gift. Regardless of your personal taste – whether the art appeals to you or not, or even if it repulses you – its disruption offers liberation from automatic thinking. It opens doors to perspectives beyond our routine thoughts and perceptions. This can lead to… Conscious habit destruction. As our world becomes increasingly mediated by mechanical bureaucracy, it seeps into areas where it doesn’t belong. (Press “1” for estate… Read More

Challenging Relationship Myths: A Sex Reality Check Of Peterson

The relationship, myths of Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson won’t be footing the bill for your wedding or your divorce. He won’t be returning the time lost chasing his dubious ideals. And he certainly won’t recreate missed chances for love, including potential partners you passed up because they didn’t match the playbook he so zealously advocates. Read More

Argh! Lip service to tradition! What is Orwellian Polyamory?

Orwellian Polyamory

Discover the truth about non-monogamy and why it’s not the morally equivalent to monogamy in this eye-opening video! Possessiveness, and non-possessiveness are opposites!  You may enjoy reading The Polyamorous Caravan 2 Excerpt: “Many non-traditional folks carry conclusions that seem to rest on bias left over from tradition… I explain how such ideas are a superstitions relationship mythology.” Read More

Unreasonable Respect For Old Relationship Beliefs

unreasonable respect for old relationship beliefs

Why would I say there is unreasonable respect for old relationship beliefs? At a party, a woman lamented that she had to divide all her assets twice in two divorces. She said the next time she gets married, the man will have more stuff than her. When three people asked why she would get married again, she replied in a circular way, “I’m just the marrying type.” And the conversation ended since there seemed no point. If someone answered the question, why do you repeatedly… Read More

Foolish men blocking abortion

Abortion could have saved her.

Why are foolish men blocking abortion? Foolish men that think they can control women, they only tyrannize. Even those unfortunate ones who, do to circumstances or a manufactured torpidity, succumb to your sexual foot-binding, they circumvent your power every time they lie. It’s easy to support the beliefs of the self satisfied. A little flattery and parroting your beliefs and you’re convinced. Unthinking fools! Do you not see those Catholic School girls who take up a collection for a friend that is “in trouble?” You’re… Read More

What Are Confused Sexual Ideals?

Confused Sexual Ideals

A great deal of confused sexual ideals and misunderstanding exists around relationships and what we want. This topic is meaningful to both joy and misery. It’s not that articles about how to achieve ideals are uncommon, it’s understanding and questioning the ideals themselves that is uncommon. What I mean by confused sexual ideals is we use the word ideal in three utterly different ways. If we are clear about how the word is being used, we can avoid costly and painful misunderstandings. The first meaning… Read More

Consciously orgasmic at 71 – ongoing discovery

Conscious sexuality

I am seventy-one but I discovered my orgasm at twenty-five and enjoyed a great deal of orgasmic sex in the years after; until I experienced what I shall describe as a time of sexual hibernation. Thankfully, I went on to re-emerge from that hibernation, and I want to share my experience of a new sexual blossoming in what are my twilight years. I’ll begin my insight into sexual experiences with a question: Why reach for a more conscious sexuality? The actuality is that we either… Read More

Help Build Burning Man Consent Culture

Donate to Bed

Now you can help BED (Bureau of Erotic Discourse) by contributing and sharing on social networks. Wear our buttons with pride! Help BED spread the word and raise funds to educate as many burners as possible about a sex positive culture of consent.  Join our fundraising efforts and help make this year the most fun and safe burn ever. Got ideas that will make our project work better? Contact us! Read More

How to compare loving non-monogamy versus codependent monogamy

loving non-monogamy

The desire to know and share what’s true, to share what’s best in life, to love wholly without restraint, to live intensely! These values did not arise in me out of virtue, oh no! They BEGAN to clarify because of loss. My most beloved, died when I was nine. The tears that I feared would never end washed the dust from a jewel. Why should I fear to tell the truth, or a broken heart? I already know l will lose you, THIS is the… Read More

Bullshit hypnotic manipulation imposes sexual beliefs

hypnotic manipulation

Monogamy is a possessive ideology. It presumes to predict the future and often fails. Monogamy becomes a prison for affections and often kills the love that it hoped to protect. In many cases, monogamy is a maladaptation imposed by culturally redundant hypnotic manipulations. When we are actually living in a world where many people live outside of monogamy (honestly or not,) then let’s meet that fact truthfully and adapt to the world the way it is. Polyamory and other forms of ethical non-monogamy exemplify our… Read More

Boldly Vulnerable Sexual Affection at Burning Man

Sexual Affection

We live in a highly sexual culture that also idolizes utility (i.e., a means to an end). We tend to value things only based on what they lead to in the future. This commerce morality often mistakes the means for the end and, therefore, misses the end. To judge joy and sexual affection as a means is a degradation. We cannot judge the end by the same standards as the means because ends lead to nothing else. The immediate and transitory nature of Burning Man… Read More

Sexual Relationship Evolution

Some of us look upon sexual relationship evolution with a fear or envy. Most of our grandparents would look upon our sexual relations today with disapproval, yet they passed on to us the genetic tendency to adapt. Today sexual relations are more fair then they were in the past, particularly for women, in spite of the need for more improvement. The sexual freedoms we enjoy today did not result from conformity, but from minorities that dared to try new things. We owe gratitude to those… Read More

Button Suggestions – Voting for 2017 BRC Burn

Bureau of Erotic Discourse

The Bureau of Erotic Discourse seeks new ideas for the coveted pins to give away at Burning Man this year. Please offer your new button content suggestions in the comment section of this page below the images and up vote the content you would most like to see.   Bureau of Erotic Discourse Buttons Read More

Love relationships sex non-monogamy doubting couple privilege

Couple privileQuestioning couple privilegege

Five reasons ‘Couple privilege’ doesn’t exist By Lola Phoenix: Lola is a non-binary queer future best selling sci-fi/fantasy novelist in her late twenties. I’ve seen this concept floating around for a long time and I’ve always not really agreed with it or liked it, but it’s taken me awhile to sit down and explain my problem with this concept, why I think it’s inaccurate and what else should be used to describe some of what people usually use ‘ couple privilege ’ to describe. Reason 1:… Read More