Promiscuity, Platitudes and Prejudice

Sexual Freedom

Excerpt: Todd Vickers New Writing at The Elephant Journal I have some reservations about certain extremes of consensual kink, but again, that is a matter of personal judgment, not a reflection on sex or sexual freedom. It’s trivial to claim, “if we did not engage in promiscuous sex, problems like STIs and unwanted pregnancy would not exist.” We could just as easily argue that if we did not eat chicken, we would eliminate the spread of salmonella. That statement is naive, the issue lies in… Read More

Argh! Lip service to tradition! What is Orwellian Polyamory?

Orwellian Polyamory

Discover the truth about non-monogamy and why it’s not the morally equivalent to monogamy in this eye-opening video! Possessiveness, and non-possessiveness are opposites!  You may enjoy reading The Polyamorous Caravan 2 Excerpt: “Many non-traditional folks carry conclusions that seem to rest on bias left over from tradition… I explain how such ideas are a superstitions relationship mythology.” Read More

Love relationships sex non-monogamy doubting couple privilege

Couple privileQuestioning couple privilegege

Five reasons ‘Couple privilege’ doesn’t exist By Lola Phoenix: Lola is a non-binary queer future best selling sci-fi/fantasy novelist in her late twenties. I’ve seen this concept floating around for a long time and I’ve always not really agreed with it or liked it, but it’s taken me awhile to sit down and explain my problem with this concept, why I think it’s inaccurate and what else should be used to describe some of what people usually use ‘ couple privilege ’ to describe. Reason 1:… Read More

Non-monogamy, a growing morality

The impulse to a more relaxed and open sexuality is not merely instinctive, but also moral. We see this (re)emerging morality* in conflict with established customs, like the conflict illustrated in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when Huck contemplated turning in his friend Jim, an escaped slave. All his life, Huck had learned that it was a sin to help a slave escape. He also knew that a reward would be involved in turning Jim in. He even wrote a letter to inform the slave… Read More

Polyamorous Expectations Dare Letting Go

The angst often associated with relationships may not be because a a problem exists, but because the events are different than our expectations. Letting go of unrealistic ideals becomes more important in non-monogamous relationships. We tend to cling to beliefs when we feel out of control and we use power to defend them. The use of emotional blackmail, coercion, wild accusations and threats to achieve our aims is itself destructive. Do not pole-vault over mouse turds! Such behavior does not lend itself to trust or… Read More

Interview with a Non-Monogamous Woman

Q: You felt it necessary to be anonymous for this interview. I think it says something about our so-called freedom of speech. Why do you feel the need to be anonymous? M: I live in a small town, and I have children. I’m not sure that I want the judgment of my church-going neighbors to be carried out on my innocent children. Who knows what reactions might take place? Would my children be teased or shunned at school or in the neighborhood? This isn’t their… Read More