Art, Orgasm and Quieting the Mind: Conscious Habit Destruction

Consider the impact of art, I believe if an artwork interrupts your habitual thinking, it’s a valuable gift. Regardless of your personal taste – whether the art appeals to you or not, or even if it repulses you – its disruption offers liberation from automatic thinking. It opens doors to perspectives beyond our routine thoughts and perceptions. This can lead to… Conscious habit destruction. As our world becomes increasingly mediated by mechanical bureaucracy, it seeps into areas where it doesn’t belong. (Press “1” for estate… Read More

When Men Love

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After a year of the most erotic love of his life, James breaks up with Cindy, a woman who refused to be controlled. Cindy warned him that she was a ‘free spirit,’ but he didn’t know that meant she wanted OTHER lovers.

Now struggling, desolate, and angry, James turns to isolation and porn as a refuge. Tom, his best friend, drags him to a beach getaway with other men. When the talk turns to lovers, James is stunned to find his friend, Marlow, in an open marriage and his wife, Angi, currently on Maui with a lover. Cliff and Douglass boldly live non-monogamy, but Barry, Adolfo, and Andy reject it. Tom and Ranjeet sit on the fence. 

Cover When Men Love

James is forced to look into his shadow, while standing in the light of the other men’s experiences. He begins to question the bounds he enforced on his love. The stories of erotic venture and heartbreak shake the beliefs that James thought were bedrock and turn them to sand that slips through his fingers. 

Burning in his passion for the woman he pushed away, his limits are tested. James must either hold on to old beliefs or dare to risk the unknown.

Title of Book: WHEN MEN LOVE, a Romance/Contemporary novel complete at 70,000 words. It will appeal to fans of romance, polyamory and erotica books.

Currently querying literary agents.

Social hypocrisy about sex

“Our powers of conception come with a risk. Again, we use thought like paint on the canvas of our minds, using our fears and wants as the brushes. We create and judge not only the future, but, also, an image of our world today. Seekers often surrender this power of the mind to the direction of leaders. However, we no more live in our concepts than a painter can live in a world he fabricated.” Excerpt: The Relevance of Kabir, buy the e-book here Read More

Self and Orgasm

An understanding through ecstasy. “If we can’t let go of our self, orgasm becomes difficult. In the ecstasy of love, the mental specter of our self becomes unsustainable. We live without a story for a few moments. If we need others to see beyond our ideas of ourselves, then possessiveness haunts us. We become a burden to others and limit our choices by reducing people into nothing more than a means. When we use people, we probably destroy or limit our affections in the process.” Excerpt:… Read More

What is Sexual Excess?

Excerpt from The Relevance of Kabir “The word excessive means something when talking of salt, sex or any experience. Even water will kill you if you drink too much. When we believe some experience or possession will do something it cannot, before we give up the belief, we are likely to see if more will accomplish the desired effect. Our beliefs make us vulnerable to hawkers that pander to our desires. Advertisers will sell us anything by suggesting an enviable ‘lifestyle’ associated with their products…. Read More

Forbidden Subjects

Excerpted from the introduction to The Relevance of Kabir. By Todd Vickers Let us let go of taboos when encountering poems. A lyricist mixes metaphors like a cook making soup. Before you taste this broth, be warned, I like spice! When we allow bold statements, we quickly clarify ideas that might otherwise be obscure, hence the following metaphor. Prostitutes who serve women were once talked about in hushed and disbelieving tones, but a quick internet search of the terms female sex tourism shows that these… Read More

A Retired Prostitute Helped Me

In my latest book, The Relevance of Kabir, I use a strong metaphor concerning prostitution to make a point about honesty and taboo subjects. Woody “Bee,” the subject of this essay, is a part of that metaphor. Although I have known several prostitutes in my life, for various reasons, Woody made a huge impact on me for the better. She was in her mid-70s when I met her in my teens. At that time in my life, I was an “at-risk youth” with a destructive… Read More

The Relevance of Kabir – One Thousand Review Copies Free

Todd Vickers published The Relevance of Kabir at Smashwords. This eBook will soon be available at your favorite stores like Amazon, Barns & Noble and more. If you would like a free review copy, go to and click on the promotion. Todd selects the poems from four translations of Kabir on poignant subjects like sex, desire, money, power, and the benefits of meditation. This book, like Kabir himself, is critical of religion. The 15th century poet left both Islam and then Hinduism behind. Using… Read More